Thursday, May 20, 2010

Can't wait tomorrow night!

Day4 without husband at home and i am still virtually wearing color BLUE. Sad, sadder, saddest. It's always hard without husband at home - you bet that i will have a swollen eyes after typing this and you will win! I am almost teary while typing this and thought to myself to stop writing. I will miss him all the more if i do but this is what i feel right now. Sad, sadder, blue - bluer than blue.

Funny how the first time he went out of town for work - i cried the first night while talking to him on the phone. I am such a cry baby. And his first time was just 3 days and 2 nights. But now, it's 5 days and 4 nights - it's like breaking the record. I know that missing him like these is not as twice as what he feels. When i miss him i can hug and kiss our daughter while he can only talk to us on the phone - on virtual hugs and kiss. Alone on his hotel, weary and tired for the whole day of work. His sacrifice is twice of a sacrifice of what i feel.

Now if only i can pull tomorrow i will. I can't wait tomorrow night! Can't wait to see my one and only - my love, my life, my ka-chorba. I can't wait to kick his ass for making me cry now!


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